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Stainless fasteners

Stainless steel fittings, piping and shut-off valves

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Stainless steel fasteners in omsk

Stainless steel fasteners are characterized by corrosion resistance, durability and durability. Fastenership of A2 ( AISI 304 steel, Russian analogue 08X18N10 ) is used in production processes with special requirements for hygienic cleanliness and environmental friendliness ( food and pharmaceutical industry ) and chemical inactivity ( chemical, petrochemical industry. <TAG. Products of A4 ( AISI 316, Russian analogue 10X17N13M2, "sea" steel ) work perfectly in aggressive environments ( sea water, chlorine-containing solutions and gases ), at high temperatures. Another valuable property of this material is the inability to magnetize.


Our catalog presents a stainless fastener of A2 and A4 of the following types:

  • questionnaires of steel wedge with high bearing capacity, used in metal and stone processing, construction and installation works;
  • stainless bolts;
  • stainless steel nuts: DIN 934 universal; DIN 985 with a polymer ring for stopping; DIN1587 hikes that prevent stopping and protect the nut hole from dirt and aggressive substances, used in furniture production as a decorative element; nuts with "petals", drawn manually;
  • pucks: DIN 125 universal; DIN 127 spring, providing stopping and uniform load distribution; DIN 9021 increased widths used in the installation of low-carrying thin materials ( tree, thin steel sheet, etc. );
  • DIN 975 rods used in the installation of mounted structures;
  • screw and pipe clamps for laying the cable, fastening the pipes.

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